20th Anniversary of Gu Feng Tai Chi Club (2001-2021)
Celebrating Twenty Years of Tai Chi Practice, Friendship, and Cultural Experience
GFTCC Significant Teachers:

From Laura Ting, Founder of GFTCC:
“More than fifteen years ago when I decided to form the Tai Chi Club, my motivations were very straightforward: share the art that has stabilized my life during turbulent times and meet likeminded friends through the common interest of tai chi. Now, more than fifteen years later, I have no words to describe how much the experience of Gu Feng has changed my life. From seeing many lives enriched by the ancient wisdom of tai chi to having the friendships I would otherwise have no chance of encountering, I feel very fortunate to have Gu Feng in my life.”

From Roger Stevens, founding member:
“San Diego is lovely, and it is a great place for Philomena to recover from her hip replacement; but I miss you all and regret I cannot attend the 15th year anniversary. Our group is unique with great teaching by professional volunteers. It is the best class I have seen (and I have visited elsewhere). Rejoice. Where else can you get health, longevity, great friends, and something very rare–no hidden motive profit agenda. “
From Art Zirger:
“Dear Laura and Teachers,
May the next fifteen years be as fruitful and successful as the first.
Congratulations and thanks.”
From Bill Clark:
“It was so nice to hear from the long term practitioners discussing the long term effects of their practice of tai chi under Laura’s guidance. As a member for 9 years, I echo the consideration that the benefits extend beyond the practice floor to enrich and stabilize our experience of life challenges. The tendency to exaggerate successes and failures is slowly giving way to a more relaxed and resilient acceptance of whatever arises. I’m very grateful for being given the opportunity to participate in the club and its nurturing effects“
From Wayne Xin:
“On the 15-year anniversary of Gufeng tai chi club, I realize that’s pretty much how long I have been doing tai chi. Gufeng always reminds me why I practice tai chi. After this many years with over 20 forms learned, I find myself focusing on the few moves when I first started tai chi, with a more relaxed body and mind. Gufeng is part of my life and I wish Gufeng to continue inspire and help people with its value. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it in another 15 years!“

15th Anniversary of GFTCC – October 23rd, 2016

GFTCC – 2022